Социальное служение
Наш девиз Сердце Богу, руку человеку.
Мы стараемся предложить помощь людям, оказавшимся в разных жизненных трудностях, и всегда рады каждому помощнику и волонтеру, готовому принять участие, уделить свое время и присоединиться к нам в этом благодатном деле.
Дом на полпути
В Риге, пригороде Латгалии, находится 2-й корпус АГА Рига (церковь). Корпус находится в местности, где издавна проживают люди смешанной национальности, поэтому службы проходят на русском языке. Миссия Корпуса – практический евангелизм – послание, передаваемое простым языком, широкое практическое служение с всесторонней помощью бедным и бездомным.
In their ministry, church leaders often meet people who thanks to the support of the church, have been able to leave deep addictions and have seen a renewed purpose in their lives, based on the love of Christ, but their life circumstances do not change that quickly. Even though the habits of people have changed, circumstances stay the same – great poverty and often – even life on the street. To offer these people the opportunity to make a step closer to life circumstances that are worthy of a human being, and not allow them to fall back, on the second floor of the church there is a small rehab centre „Halfway to home”.
10 homeless people have an opportunity to stay there for a short time. There are single and double rooms in the centre, kitchen, showers, and a gym.
Служение для семей
Семья это первое место, где дети учится строить взаимоотношения, узнать о жизненных ценностях и освоить необходимые навыки. Поэтому Армия Спасения уделяет большое внимание помощи в спасении и поддержке семей – как маленьких, так и старых детей, как молодежи, так и пожилых людей, находящихся в разных жизненных обстоятельствах.
From the beginning of 1990’s, since the work of The Salvation Army was restarted in Latvia, the organization had a significant ministry with street children in Riga, giving several children an opportunity to live in a safe and improved environment. As the years went by and situations and needs have changed help and support to families offered by TSA has also changed. TSA work during these years has also been valued by state institutions and currently several TSA institutions are working in cooperation with local municipalities as providers of social services.
Currently, there are several centres working in TSA, who offer social help to the municipalities – Day care centre “Patvērums” in Riga being one of them. An extensive work with kids and for kids is done in Seda through art and music classes, sports and other activities. TSA in Latvia has several projects to support youth and families, for example, carpentry workshop for children in Drusti. In all local SA churches there are different events, activities and lessons for children and youth.
Помощь в сложных ситуациях
В Армии Спасении, мы мотивированы нашей верой в Иисуса. Мы верим, что важно заботиться друг о друге, не дискриминируя. Человек может проходить через разные жизненные ситуации- семьи рушатся, зависимость, утерянные дома или тяжелая. На данный момент, много людей в Латвии проходят через сложные обстоятельства. Мы хотим помочь как можно большему количеству людей используя ресурсы, которые нам дал Бог.
The Salvation Army is an organization with many years of experience from all over the world in work with people, who live in poverty and are rejected by society. We try to offer practical help and advice. We believe that relationship with Jesus brings forth positive changes in a person’s life, and we are ready to share our testimony with people coming to us. But we do not force religion on anyone and we are ready to help anyone with everything in our power.
In this part of our home page, you can see different ways that we are trying to help people in Latvia. As you can see, we try to offer support to people of different age in different life circumstances.